Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chapter 9- The Family

Lesson 1- Meaning, Nature, Functions and Classifications of Family

The family is
the basic institution
that provides our needs.

Lesson 2- Courtship and Marriage

Marriage defines as
the form of sexual union
of man and woman.

Lesson 3- responsible Planned Parenthood

Family planning
is the process which couples
planned for their future.

Chapter 8- Population Perspective

Lesson 1- Population and Sustainable Development

Land capacity
is a major factor of
an unemployment.

Lesson 2- Population, Environment And Natural Resources

Our population
depends on our resources
in our daily needs.

Lesson 3- Integrated and Sustainable Development

World population
in the future century
will reach six billion.

Chapter 7- Society And Culture

Lesson 1- The Meaning Nature and Functions of Culture

Culture is defined
as the entire way of our life,
can be learned and shared.

Lesson 2- Cultural Concepts and Variation

Very foundation
of culture is the language,
that is our medium.

Lesson 3- The Filipino Culture and Values

Cultural values
are the kinds of values that
guided behaviors.

Chapter 6- Collective Behavior, Social movements and Social Change

Lesson 1- Collective Behavior

Human behavior
is guided by some patterns
in society.

Lesson 2- Social Movements

Social movements
refer to activities
which unite people.

Lesson 3- Social Change

Social change is a
transformation of a group
from one to other.

Chapter 5- Deviation, Social Problems and Control

Lesson 1- The Meaning and Nature of Deviance

Deviant is a
type of behavior that will
not conform the norms.

Lesson 2- Theoretical explanation of Deviance

Deviance refers
to a violation of norms
from mild etiquette.

Lesson 3- Forms of Deviant Behavior And Social Problems

Social problems are
breakdowns of deviations,
and in social mind.

Lesson 4- Social Control

Social control is
being used to conform a
given social norms.

Chapter 4- Social Stratification

Lesson 1- Meaning, Nature And Importance of Stratification

There's a knowledge of
stratification that
made man to adopt.

Lesson 2- Theoretical Perspective of Social Stratification

Agreement is the
very foundation of justice
just like Plato said.

Lesson 3- The Social Class

Social class refers
to a group of people that
has similar rank.

Lesson 4- Social Mobility

Mobility is
movement of individuals
from one social class.

Chapter 3- The Social Groups And Social Interactions

Lesson 1- Meaning, nature And Characteristics of Social Groups

Interaction is
the essences of group life
between more persons.

Lesson 2- Group Classifications and Boundaries

The family is
closest approximation
to primary group.

Lesson3- The Process Of Group Interactions

group process interaction,
promotes interest.

Lesson 4- Formal Organizations and the Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy is
complex organization
by explicit rules.